
Update on Updates

So this semester has been a bit different from last fall in terms of blogging. I still want to do it, but it doesn't seem to come up as often in my daily routine. So instead of posting three times a week, I've reduced it down to about once, and avoided presenting any actual information when I do manage to type something up. (Witness 300 words on my lamented but hardly noteworthy cell phone). Anyway, since I'm gearing up for the last few weeks leading into finals, I'm going to try to add a little structure to my life on the internets. With great ado, and no small amount of fanfare, I would like to present the new BeanSchedule (that I just thought up five minutes ago)!

- Miscellania (people, places, things I want to meet, see, and do)

Wednesday/Thursday - Politics & Academia (what I'm studying/ranting about at the moment)

Friday - Entertainment (movies, tv, books, music, internets, dance?, arts & crafts?)

Weekend - Me time (anything else I'm doing that's worth mentioning)

So there you have it. A little reference for anyone who wants to know what to expect when they tune into my wavelengths. Needless to say, that's hardly set in stone, it's just a loose guide. Cheers.

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