
Blogrolling in DC

one of my fondest memories of the 9-5 grind is unlimited interweb time and having almost nothing that i should be doing instead. maybe it's a particular hallmark of the kind of 'real' jobs that i've had in my life, but it often seems to play out that way.

since i've been back at it, unpaid intern style, i've been trying to acquaint myself with the creme-de-la-creme of dc blogging--a project that i never quite got off the ground up in boston. here it is, week 2, and i've got something to show for myself. a short list of cranky people who seem to have as much free time as i do.

the blonde menace
irina is always right

they're not political, inasmuch as anything in dc is not political, and wonkette at least is corporate (part of the gawker network, ugh), but screw it, i had fun reading them today.

1 comment:

The Blonde Menace said...

Hey I'm not cranky!!! ;) hehehe