
speaking of gawker

two unbelievably minor pieces of celebrity-dan intersection to report.

1. i'm pretty sure i saw the third-place finisher of last week's scripp's national spelling bee walking in front of the capitol on saturday. this wouldn't be all that interesting except she was, in the words of tim (one of the guys i watched it with), "like, the hottest 13-year-old ever!"

1a. yes, i watched the spelling bee with other guys. but in my defense: it was supposed to be a non-spelling-related party that fell through, my girlfriend was there too, and we flipped to so you think you can dance on the commercials. so there.

1b. for the record, the hottest 13-year-old ever was hermione in the third 'harry potter' movie. and that was determined by judges, people! judges!

2. this one's way better, if by 'better' i mean 'completely obscure and ridiculous', which i do. it turns out that henry gale--the evil guy on lost dated cecilia's friend's mom for a while way back in another decade! how crazy is that? i mean, sweet jesus, i wouldn't date anyone with bugeyes like his.

hmm. maybe whatever it is gawker does is harder than it looks. ahahahaha. no way, if those invertibrates can score serious celebrity scoops, it's only because the streets of manhattan are literally paved with 'stars' just waiting for some slobs with camera phones and blackberries to get used to the daylight and notice them.

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